26. BSk Közös Rajzolás / Group Sketching
hajózás közben / from a boat
Képes élménybeszámoló / Summary with pictures
Július 19.
Hiába, nyár van, és nyáron meleg van. Most sem volt ez másképp, és
ismét meg kellett birkóznunk az elemekkel, vagyis a 38 fokos hőséggel. Hajónk
hamar megérkezett a Boráros térre, és szerencsére nem volt rajta tömeg, így
mindenki le tudott ülni. (Tehát fölöslegesen cipeltem a kis kempingszékemet...)
Hálisten a víz közelsége és a Duna felett fújó szellő enyhet adott, és a hajón
sikerült némi árnyékot is elcsípnünk, így kibírható volt az időjárás.
Meg nem is nagyon volt ám idő sopánkodni, hiszen csak kapkodtuk a
fejünket, olyan sok volt egyszerre a látni- és rajzolni való. Nehéz volt
megszokni, hogy folyamatosan változik a kép, ahogyan a hajó ide-oda kacsázik a
két part között. Az első rajzok – legalábbis részemről – igen egyszerűre
sikerültek, bár az hogy sikerültek, elég erős túlzás. Még szkeccsnek sem voltak nevezhetők,
inkább egy vázlat vázlatának.
Volt, aki az első kudarcok után inkább valamilyen stabil pontot
keresett a hajón, így születtek képek a hajón utazókról, vagy magáról a
hajóról, valamint arról a bigyóról, ami az orrunk elé belógott a tetőről. De
aztán végül mindannyian belejöttünk, és lassan felismerhető volt egy-egy
templomtorony, a Lánchíd oroszlánja, vagy akár a Parlament. Témaként előnyt
élveztek azok a dolgok, amik egy-egy megállónál aránylag sokáig – kb. 3-5 perc
- voltak ugyanolyan szemszögből láthatók, illetőleg olyasmi, ami sokáig szinte
ugyanolyan képet mutatott, így pl. a Margit-sziget hosszú partszakasza.
Egészen a Római-partig hajókáztunk, ahol kiszállva megszemléltük
egymás alkotásait, és megpróbáltuk kitalálni, hogy egy-egy vázlat mit is
ábrázol. Volt olyan, amire még tulajdonosa sem emlékezett, hogy mi is lehetett eredetileg
a modell… J Majd felkerestünk egy jó konyhával bíró vendéglátó egységet, és mindenki
belakmározott ízlése szerint halászlével, saslikkal vagy egyéb finomsággal.
Ismét jó kis félnapot töltöttünk együtt. Jöhet a következő kihívás! J
It is summer, and when it is summer, the
weather is hot. It was the same today, and we had to cope with the elements, especially
the 38 degrees. Our ship soon arrived at Boráros square, where we got on and
luckily there was no crowd on it, so everyone could have a seat. (So I brought
my small camping chair with me unnecessarily...) Thank heaven the closeness of
water and the breeze above the Danube gave us some relief, and we could nick
some shade on the boat, so we were fine with the weather.
And we hadn’t time for complaining about
the hot weather as we were just gawking around since there were so many things
to watch and to draw. It was hard to get used to it that the view was changing continuously
as the ship was waddle between the two shores. The first drawings were so
simple – anyway for my part – and it was hard to say that they came out right. They
were also hard to call sketches, rather the draft of the draft.
Some of us – after the first failures – preferred
the stable points on the ship, so they could make pictures about the travelers,
or about the ship itself, or the thing that was hanging above our heads from
the roof. At last we all got into it, and after a short time some church towers,
the lion of the Chain bridge or the Parliament could become recognizable. Those
themes were preferred that could be seen for 3-5 minutes from the same aspect
in a stop, or something that was showing the same view for a long time – as the
shore of Margaret Island.
We were sailing as far as the Roman Shore where
we got off and looked at each other’s creations and tried to find out what they
were representing. There was a drawing that even the owner couldn’t remember
what the model was for it… J Thereafter we looked for a restaurant with good
kitchen and everybody had something delicious according to taste: fish soup, shashlik
or other tasty meal. We had a great half-day again together. Let’s have the next
challenge! J
It is summer, and when it is summer, the
weather is hot. It was the same today, and we had to cope with the elements, especially
the 38 degrees. Our ship soon arrived at Boráros square, where we got on and
luckily there was no crowd on it, so everyone could have a seat. (So I brought
my small camping chair with me unnecessarily...) Thank heaven the closeness of
water and the breeze above the Danube gave us some relief, and we could nick
some shade on the boat, so we were fine with the weather.
And we hadn’t time for complaining about
the hot weather as we were just gawking around since there were so many things
to watch and to draw. It was hard to get used to it that the view was changing continuously
as the ship was waddle between the two shores. The first drawings were so
simple – anyway for my part – and it was hard to say that they came out right. They
were also hard to call sketches, rather the draft of the draft.
Some of us – after the first failures – preferred
the stable points on the ship, so they could make pictures about the travelers,
or about the ship itself, or the thing that was hanging above our heads from
the roof. At last we all got into it, and after a short time some church towers,
the lion of the Chain bridge or the Parliament could become recognizable. Those
themes were preferred that could be seen for 3-5 minutes from the same aspect
in a stop, or something that was showing the same view for a long time – as the
shore of Margaret Island.
We were sailing as far as the Roman Shore where
we got off and looked at each other’s creations and tried to find out what they
were representing. There was a drawing that even the owner couldn’t remember
what the model was for it… J Thereafter we looked for a restaurant with good
kitchen and everybody had something delicious according to taste: fish soup, shashlik
or other tasty meal. We had a great half-day again together. Let’s have the next
challenge! J
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